Today I am tired. My well seems dry and resources depleted. I can't decide whether it was the long and busy week that just ended, or the longer and busier week that lies ahead that is sucking out every last drop of energy and motivation. I'm sure it's a combination of both. All of my shoulds and to-do's are weighing heavily on my spirit.
It feels like I am swimming with all my might to cross the river, and I lift my head for a gulp of hair, and in that moment I catch a glimpse of the other bank and think "My God, am I only half way?!"
And it is in times like these that I wonder what example I should be setting for Milani. Is it a better virtue for her to watch her weary mama set her jaw, dig in her heels, and will herself through a to-do list so that some laundry might get folded or some of the house straightened? Or for her to watch me unplug and disconnect from the day-to-day, and curl up under the cool white sheets next to her to rest and replenish?
In this quiet moment it occurs to me, Milani doesn't need to be taught to rest and replenish. It comes naturally to her. She wakes up in the morning and plays hard, and crawls hard, and laughs hard, and when her body tells her that it needs a break, she naps hard. It isn't a question or debate, it just is. It makes perfect sense.
She doesn't paddle harder to cross the river faster, nor does she stop and sink. Nope, girlfriend just flips over and floats, and lets the current take her in the right direction. And once recharged, she picks up right where she left off. She can teach me something everyday if I remember to pause and listen.
So today I will nap. I will struggle to ignore the voices telling me I should be cleaning, or folding, or straightening. I will remind myself that there is virtue to be found in knowing when to unplug and disconnect. And I will offer up the fondest gratitude that I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to snuggle with my ladybug at 1 in the afternoon.
I nurse Milani as she grows drowsy. Her eyelids get heavier, and her breathing slows and deepens. I move her delicately onto the bed and slip under the covers next to her, my legs curl beneath her so she sleeps in my nook. I can feel her breath on my cheek. Moses snores in the corner, the fan hums, and traffic outside swooshes over the wet pavement. I close my eyes and exhale melting into the cozy mattress, there is nothing better than this.
**Sorry no pictures today, I find that I can only operate the camera while I'm awake...go figure**